
Fortress of Louisbourg National Historic Site

While its surroundings are accessible to all visitors, it is important to note that the reconstructed 18th century buildings within the fortified town are not fully accessible.

During times when the visitor centre is open, upon request, a bus is available that accommodates manual wheelchairs.  Please feel free to indicate to an attendant if you require this service.

There is a lot of walking within the Fortress of Louisbourg boundaries.  You will surely encounter some rough terrain, loose gravel and steep inclines.  Period construction techniques create limited accessibility to some buildings. Many of the doorways are wide enough to accommodate a wheelchair but in some instances the turning radius is not sufficient for a wheelchair once inside the building.  Although parts of the Lighthouse Trail are accessible, loose gravel and inclines may create mobility challenges. 

We can arrange for you to access the site in your personal vehicle via Entrance 2. This will minimize some of the walking. Please feel free to speak with our staff about your options.  Given their knowledge of the site, they are available to help you choose what might work best for you or someone you assist.

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