
Gulf Islands National Park Reserve

Restricted activity: miminum age to obtain camping permit

Issued: May 15, 2014

Issued 2014-05-15 (YYYY-MM-DD)

Time 16:24:27

Restricted Activity Order

Pursuant to Section 7(1) of the National Parks General Regulations, the following activity is hereby restricted by order of the Superintendent, Gulf Islands National Park Reserve of Canada:

Minimum Age Requirement for Camping Permit Holder

• A person must be at least 19 years of age to obtain a camping permit.

• Any person applying for or possessing a camping permit must be able to provide a valid proof of age when requested by park staff.

• Permit holders must be within reasonable proximity of their campsite when it is occupied in order to be able to supervise minors.

The purpose of this order is to enhance visitor experience and safety, and to protect the natural and cultural resources of the park.

Contravention of this order may result in fines or court prosecution under regulations pursuant to the Canada National Parks Act.

Effective Date: 22 February 2014

Wayne BOURQUE, Superintendent, Gulf Islands National Park Reserve
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